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Noles has been in and out of prison four times for robbery, drug possession and battery convictions, according to Florida Department of Corrections records. The medical examiner’s office will be conducting an autopsy to determine the cause and manner of death. The driver then got out, pulled out a handgun and began to fire at deputies, who exchanged gunfire with the man, according to the Sheriff’s Office, reports NewsJax. 207 and Armstrong Road in the Elkton area, where the vehicle went off the road and crashed into an abandoned school bus on private property.Īt some point, police opened fire, fatally striking Noles. The Sheriff’s Office said the pursuit came to an end at S.R. The vehicle then crashed through a fence on private property and ramming a Sheriff’s Office patrol vehicle late Wednesday afternoon, according to the St.

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The Sheriff’s Office Office said, Noles, who was “driving aggressively,” led deputies west onto State Road 207, where he was seen driving into oncoming traffic on several occasions.

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The vehicle was spotted in the area of A1A South and State Road 206 in Crescent Beach and a pursuit ensued. According to officials, Noles was operating a vehicle that had fled from law enforcement after being suspected in a Flagler County hit-and-run.

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